What We Do

Mentorship, a pro-girl environment, and proven programs prepare girls for independent life.

girl with slime

Our Mission

Our Mission

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

Our Vision

Powerful girls in an equitable society.

Our Values

Respect the dignity of each human being.

Recognize and support the strength in every girl.

Appreciate, embrace, and advance diversity.

Drive for results anchored in accountability.

Operate collaboratively.

Our Difference

Through the Girls Inc. Experience, our professionally trained staff and volunteers provide mentorship, safe spaces, and programming that address the unique challenges girls face and are proven to help girls succeed.

We cultivate safe environments where girls are encouraged to take risks, learn from experiences, and grow.

girls showing artwork
We cultivate a pro-girl environment that encourages girls to be their authentic selves.
girls exploring science
The Girls Inc. Experience has positive and lasting effects for the girls who participate.
girl with magnets
Girls are equipped with the skills to effect positive changes in their lives and to become leaders who will change the world.

Advocacy & Education in TAC

At TAC, Girls Inc. works with and for girls to advocate for policies to overcome the social and systemic barriers that threaten their ability to succeed.

The Teen Advocacy Council advocates especially for the needs of girls from low-income communities and those who may face discrimination because of their gender, race, religion, ethnicity, immigration status, disability, or socioeconomic status.

Learn About our Teen Advocacy Council

2024 tac group

What Girls Learn

Girls build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to push for positive change in their lives and their communities.

icon-heart shape Strong & Healthy
91 %
Of Girls Inc. girls say they would know what to do if a friend was feeling sad, stressed, or depressed.
natalie with girl
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natalie with girl
icon-star shape Smart & Educated
90 %
Of Girls Inc. girls are confident they will graduate college.
girl with glowing galsses
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girl with glowing galsses
icon-sun shape Bold & Independent
87 %
Of Girls Inc. girls believe it's important to be an active and informed citizen.
two girls with hats
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two girls with hats

Above are Girls Inc. National’s statistics reflected in the 2023 Strong, Smart, and Bold Outcomes Survey

Get Involved

Stand with girls. Your generosity shows girls you believe in them and their potential.

Become A
 Corporate Partner
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Corporate Partner or Funder
Make a difference by creating
pathways to lifelong success.
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Individual Investor
Become A Champion
Join the exclusive Champions for Girls philanthropic society.